Monday, June 06, 2005


My video worked YAY YAY YAY and did I mention YAY! I am getting a bunch of songs from Cindy, they are really good. I had never heard of the Michael Stanley before. Thank you Cindy! he sounds like bruce springsteen alot. Very relaxing music. I wonder if my video will still work once i post this. Hmmmmm Cindy has hers all fancy at the top, I am not that advanced. LOL. I usually don't like Mondays, but I think today, Ill try to make the best of it. By doing what I dunno, but I think I may join the YMCA I really really wanna but i have to justify spending that money. It is something for me n the kids to do. But it is high. Sigh sigh sigh. i need to lose weight. savannah can go to the Y world and i can exercise. it gives her something to do. There really is no reason for me not to join cept the money thing. I feel guilty spending that much money but you know what, easy come easy go. Ill just clean some extra houses or something. Sigh. I think, I think, I think i am gonna do it. Someone force me pleaseeeeeeeeeeee. cause i ain't no hollaback girl. Everytime I hear that song i want a banana BANANA banana. Gotta find me a new song, once cindy hooks me into how to do it without losing all my stuff. Okay Ill let you know about the Y, i may come back sunburned! my boys are so excited I can't tell them no i dont think. Okay ill bbl!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Yes, it still works!
i'm thinking that you can just edit your post where you put the testing video in, copy and paste the new code over the old one!
If you want to put it at the top, you will have to delete that original test post and put it in your header on your template.
I can help you with that if you need. Just email me when you want to mess with it, and I'll turn on AIM