Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Its Hump day!

but that doesn't mean you have to get out there and Hump LOL

Hope everyone is having a good morning! most of you probably aren't up yet. Lucky people! i was up at 6, maddie showed up a lil early and once i am up and mobile, forget going back to sleep!

Mike N linda came over yesterday and my kids ended up going over there to stay all night. Cept Savannah, who for 2 days has insisted she is a cat. She meows, asks me to feel her motor purr and walks on all fours. I have a pic of her, I should post it LOL ill do that after i make this entry. Yesterday I cut out some cardboard ears and glued them on a headband and eyelined her a nose and some whiskers. she sure is a beauty. So funny and so full of life!

Okay I gotta go i guess, I am gonna try and i do stress TRY to go back to sleep. Ill post that pic first though!

1 comment:

TheMommason said...

The pics are adorable and what an ingenious Mommie you are. I love the times when for no special reason we can do face painting and dress up those are the best aren't they?