Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Mini update

went to the dr............Hand is fine, bone is fine, ligaments are fine :) 3 more days of this antibiotic. You know, taking it hasn't gotten any easier. I panic for about an hour. I took it at 3:50 and its now 4:10 and i am of course in anxiety mode.

I hate this crappola. No ways around it. I hate it. Plus its hot, and i hate that too.

Trying to look for good stuff to take my mind off the bad

Chocolate is about the best edible thing on this earth
My daughter in her piggy tails today could melt my heart just by looking at her
The sky is blue
God is a wonderful God
Kyle sent me a nice email this morning :)
Chocolate is about the best edible thing on this earth
Summer is almost over
Swimming in cold water is the best
Chocolate is about the best edible thing on this earth
My computers both are running wonderfully
My house is semi clean
and did i mention
Chocolate is about the best edible thing on this earth?

Okay thanks for all the well wishes and prayers, God hears them and they truly work!
Cindy, tonight is Big Brother night :) YAY!
And chocolate is about the best edible thing on this earth!


for_the_lonely said...

I am glad to hear that your thumb is ok!!!

Hope that it gets cooler for you..this heat is a bitch! UCK!!!

Love ya,

Cindy said...

Thanks for the head's up, if I hadn't have checked just now, I'd have missed it again.

Playground In My Mind said...

Oh, Fiddle dee dee. Now I have to go and scrounge some up. Chocolate that is. (Any excuse will do:) Renee

maceydoo said...

I love chocolate too!!!

I am so glad you got a good report from the doctor, only a few more days with the pills and then it's over.....YAY!!!!