Monday, April 11, 2005

Monday Monday Monday April 11, 2005

Man, it just seems like I have time for nothing anymore. I have so much to do today and I just sat down to take a break. Kids went back to school today and I had to take them, then go grocery shopping and to the bank. Then go for my adjustment ahhhhhhhhhhh it felt good. I have been so dizzy for a couple days, my guess would be allergies and with that ill give a big eye roll @@. Allergies are awful. Its been so hot, which coming directly from winter to 80 degrees, it feels like a putrid oven out there with the humidity. The party went so great, My pictures are at webshots, so if you wanna see just leave me a comment and Ill send you a link. Cheryl Ill get you one i promise!! We went and took pics of our maybe new house last night. We are soooooooooooooooooooo close to getting approved, but i dont wanna get excited yet. Ill wait til we are there signing papers, then and only then i will get excited. Not much else to report right now. I am anxious but holy hell, i am anxious every day. However I slept better last night than I had in years. Mustve been all the weekend activities and yesterday all the cleaning of houses and today i gotta take care of uncle eddie. it never ends, it really really doesn't. Okay i am done eating my lil WW meal, I guess ill go and do some more work.

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