Thursday, October 18, 2007


This week has flown by........Owoooooo!
Went to the Dr. yesterday, he said I have a virus that has been spreading around called Labrynthitis........It's a virus that attacks the inner ear causing severe vertigo. Okay, sounds innocent enough, explains alot. Well, the bad news is, is that it takes 8 or more weeks to have the dizziness subside. He also told me that it could permanently damage the inner ear and you may always have trouble with vertigo. Not something I wanted to hear, but it is getting better. Nothing was as bad as that first attack and like with anything else, I have easy times and hard times with it.
Slept up in Savannahs room last night. Allergies were almost 10 fold improvement, so I think that is my new bedroom. Hard sleeping in a twin bed wtih 2 dogs. They love me though :)
It's almost Halloween :) It's raining.......First frost time almost here. Have a photoshoot coming up. Pray the dizzys are gone enough for me to go through with it.
That's really about it :)
It's morning time and it's my morning morning drill, trying to get Savannah ready for school. I thought this morning would be easy because it was field trip day. I was wrong. Took me 20 min to get her hair braided and has taken me 40 to get her dressed. Now it's the shoe battle. I can't explain to her enough that it's raining, rain and dirt =mud which will ruin good shoes.

Have a Happy Non-Spinning Thursday


Cindy Price said...

Eight weeks!!! Yikes, that's crazy. I hope he is wrong!! Well, at least you know what it is, that is good.

Can you please send us some of your rain??
love ya,

NANCY From the Shore said...

FEEL BETTER DIANNA!That is crazy,8 weeks!
Can you please go get a second opinion:(

SassyFemme said...

Well, at least they know what it is. Sorry it takes so long to go away though. Hoping it won't leave any permanent damage.