Wednesday, October 03, 2007

GRRRRRR to Frito Lay

I hate this Celiacs thing. For 2 weeks now, I have been feeling sick to my stomach and my face has a rash on one side. Usually that's a sign of Gluten, but I haven't been eating anything different. Same stuff I have been eating for years.
I have been feeling weak and achey like I did when I first got this disease.
Sooooooooo I decided to recomb over my diet.
I have been eating Barbeque Chips for 3 years. Same chips and I knew they were gluten free.
Well..................3 mos ago they changed the recipe and now add Barley flour. That explains a WHOLE, WHOLE Lot. The funny thing is they don't list gluten on their package and by law now they have too. Barley contains gluten and they should be placing that on their packaging. So now it will take 6 mos for my stomach to heal, my rash on my face to go away and to get straightened out.
You know, you can't trust anything anymore. Nothing at all. Good Grief

1 comment:

SassyFemme said...

Write to them and complain!!!