Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Today so far for the most part has stunk.
What else can you write about that LOL
I want to be upset, but I figure why give it the power to ruin my whole day
Things will work out, they always do.

I just figure, I will win the powerball this weekend and that will make everything better.
Think that's the way to go!!

I went to Chiro and got adjusted! Heaven is all I can say!

My cold weather is gone, til tomorrow, then it comes back for 2 days then its hot again. You know I really think I could be a meteorologist. Its mostly guess work. I look at their extended forcast on a sunday, its all 71, 72 etc and I say to Kyle, they lie, by wednesday it will be like 84, 85 and sure enough that happened.
Expect the worst, hope for the best, thats all one can do!

Another spidey this morning and LOL it was under the laundry and kyle was scared to shake out the laundry TEE HEE!

I'm an admitted chicken, he won't admit hes a chicken! LOL

Have a great day!!!


for_the_lonely said...

I hope that your day gets better!!!! Hugs to you today! You are loved!

Carie said...

I can't wait for colder days...I am so tired of the heat, the worst have been the thunder and lightning storms in the 90 degree weather...blah...

I am waiting for the 60's and 70's lol hoodie season :o)

Melzie said...

Its blizzardy feeling here today! (Ok slight exaggeration lol). I think Wed. sucked for the world. We should have skipped it and went straight from Tues. to Thurs :) Sorry bout the spiders I'd pee my britches. xoxo melzie