Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Sorry for no writing

I just can't write. Words escape me.
I had a 2 hr breakdown over all the helpless animals, thats after a week breakdown over the people. Hearing the hungry dogs howl and UGh I just can't take it, I can't take it at all. i wanna put my hands over my ears and hide. Hide from it all.
I just can't take it.
Take care and hope to blog again soon


Cathy said...

i feel for you and so do so many others out there; saw your comment on rosie's blog.

Dr. Deb said...

Dear Dianna,
I would be feeling the same way, and I would be a sobbing mess. I cannot read or watch TV when they show an animal. A patient told me about a doctor that was featured on Oprah's show today, who stayed behind at a N.O. hospital with almost 75 animals. He took care of them all and promised their owners that he would not leave until help arrived. What a hero. That story helps me when I feel upset about the lost and hungry animals. {{{Please take care}}}

for_the_lonely said...

Dearest have such a big hert. My heart aches too...esp for the animals. The images can be overwhelming...I do look at it this way..if the images and sounds DIDN'T upset us, THEN I'd be worried!!! These families have lost so much, but their endurance for tomorrow is unmeasurable. I think that they are such great inspiration for us all.

Love you,

dixiedarling said...

It breaks my heart as well. These poor babies can't speak for themselves. They need our help just as much as the people. Stay strong and if you can donate to your local pet shelter - even a small bag of food will help.

Carie said...

I hope things start to look brighter...

I am part of a forum all about pets called and they talk alot about the pets...its a good place to get great updates

maceydoo said...

Oh Dianna,

I know how you feel, this has caused me such heartache...I was talking to my friends the other night and started apologizing for how upset I was, my best friend told me, Don't apologize Lisa, you feel deeply and that is nothing to be ashamed about. The hard part is trying to find the balance and not find myself in the pit of depression....
I hope you can find some peace