Friday, October 07, 2005

I'm such a bad mommy :)

as you guys know we have huge spiders, well juan thought he killed the one in the web on the back of the deck. Thats the one i have taken pics of. His web they knocked down and we haven't seen him in a couple of days. Before the spidey disappeared, my brother had taught the boys how to throw moths into their webs and watch them eat. So they threw front porch spider and back porch spider each a moth or moff as savannah calls them.

Juan has been getting in alot of trouble lately and being a real stink pot, so I was sitting in my bathroom and see my cell phone on the side of the tub. I grab it dial *67 and call my kitchen phone. Juan answers and I say "this is the back porch spider, feed me a moff, Ill be waitin beside the pink playhouse" Then I hung up the phone. I had a real scary ingrid colt sounding voice LOL I hear his footsteps go back to the back door and hear the blinds move as hes looking out back.

LOLLLLLLLLso i had to stay in the bathroom 20 min so i could come out not laughing. I come out and he said "was that you" and I played it off really well and he kept saying "that had to be you, that had to be you" so i tell him to take out the trash and the pink playhouse is directly outside the door LMAOOOOoo and so he gathers the trash and moves the spider barricade (we keep towels under the cracks so no spiders get in, but they are always hiding under the towel) When he moves the spider barricade, sees there is none and steps out by the pink play house, I let out a blood curdling scream that could be heard for blocks and he about dropped a load in his trousers LMAOOOOOOOOOThen I called him back on the phone and told him it was me LMAOOOOOOOO He said I scared him the freakin death LMAOOOOOOOOOO the funny thing is a leaf blew past when i screamed and from the corner of his eye he thought it was a spidey LMAOOOOOOOO


dixiedarling said...

What a good one!!! I am laughing here at work. Thanks so much for sharing.

dixiedarling said...

What a good one!!! I am laughing here at work. Thanks so much for sharing.

Carie said...

lol to funny

Dr. Deb said...

Oh, God, more spiders?!!! Ok, Ok, I read the rest of the post...very funny. I would've reacted just like he did :)


Lois Lane said...

Oh my gosh! You are pure EVIL! Hahaha! I love it!
Happy weekend!
Lois Lane

for_the_lonely said...

Muahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! Too funny! Hey, I think it is ok for mom to pull a prank every now and then too! LOL Have a wonderful weekend!

Love you,

Jan said...

This was toooooooo funny. I love it when the mom gets the laugh.

Thanks for the birthday wishes and visiting my blog, although I have not posted lately.
I promise to post Sunday.....really I do..LOL

maceydoo said...

Oh Di!!!
Isn't it so fun to pull a prank on the kids?
I saw a fake spider (must of been one of Ricky's toys) so I screamed and quickly grabbed it in a piece of paper. I was faking like I was squishing it, but "accidentally" the thing flew out right towards Ricky! He flinched but then knew it was plastic! he said, you're mean mom! Well karma is a bitch, the very next day, I had a bad dream about a spider jumping right AT me!!!!

Spider Girl said...

That is the most hilarious thing I've read today! Ah, what a hoot!

Heh, and I'm quite fond of spiders...

I remember the days of feeding them "moffs" myself. :)