Tuesday, August 29, 2006


OMG and OMG on the noise. I can NOT STAND Noise and I am drowning in a sea of it. Today while the boys were at school it was so quiet. We watched March of the Penguins, practiced letter writing, all quiet. Anthony gets home and the girls instantly get wound up, he was talking 25 miles a minute, the girls were screaming and I could not understand one word out of his mouth even though I was listening.
Opie starts barking the radio is blaring and Anthony is still talking about something. I honestly could not tell you what he was speaking of. The girls were screaming still.
Then in walks Juan from school and Oh Gee he got his trumpet today. He decides to sneak in and give a super loud blow and then allt he kids have to blow. My ears honestly feel like they are going to freaking explode.
Kyle is due home next and the noise level will go up even more, savannah is getting to her whinney point in the day and its Big Brother night.
Opie and Savannah aren't letting me sleep at night, they are forcing me out of bed. This morning after everyone left for school and work I crawled up in her bed and slowly drifted off to sleep and then someone calls at 8:30 and wakes the whole house up.
UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhh after 20 Stop its, juan is blowing that stupid trumpet again ACK ACK ACK someone get me ear plugs STAT

PS Mark N. Came over today to check out the fish and stuff. There was a bird stuck in the net, Thank GOD he got it out and he even held it in his hand. It would've flipped me out majorly. We took the net off and there was a baby bird dead under it. :(
If you come over bring protection because the acorns are falling out of the tree and those suckers hurt.
Happy Tuesday, Ear plugs appreciated!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Oh my! I'm not sure I want kids! Hi there! Sorry, I haven't updated. Just haven't really been feeling well. The babies are due in the next 1-4 weeks. Your guess is as good as mine. We're at 33 weeks and days right now. We have to get to at least 34.

Your post scared me! Screaming kids and dogs. I have 2 kids on the way and 4 freakin' dogs. LOL

Enjoy your Labor Day.
