Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Having a hard time lately

I haven't a clue what sort of funk I'm in but I'm in it.
Savannah is due to get her shots (MMR) that's the one I Have been putting off and putting off and putting off and putting off. She hasn't ever had one.
I hate shots. I know they are wonderful, but I have a problem with taking a perfectly healthy child and making them sick.
:o( people do it every single day. I know.
I don't want her to hurt, I don't want her to be sick.
She was so sick as a baby and ugh I dunno. Im just sick to my stomach over it.
I decided that I didn't want to get them for my benefit, not for hers. So I am putting my own fears aside and doing what is best for her.
But it still makes me sick.
Shots hurt so bad and Kyle has to take her in. I would make it a million times worse by crying.
Other than the shots, I don't feel well. I have been coughing and coughing and coughing. I kept that headache forever. I have been achey and feeling so funky. I almost wondered if I didn't have west nile or something. I feel that bad. My joints hurt, my jaws hurt. I Just hurt and haven't a clue why. I'm exhausted beyond belief and have no desire to move and did i mention coughing? I coughed so much this evening my chest hurts when i breathe.
Pray pray pray i get out of my funk soon cause its a bad one.
Have a wonderful Wednesday


SassyFemme said...

Dianna, it sounds like it's time for you to go to the dr. Better to go and have it be nothing, than to not go and have it be something that could have been helped if you'd gone in sooner.

The Curl said...

Dianna, you do need to go to the doctor. Just to have yourself checked. I'm not a doctor, but with all the coughing, you could have an infection or something respiratory related. Hope you feel better soon! Good Luck with Savannah.
I was never any good with those shots either! hang in there,


auntie Curl

Carie said...

I hated taking Ash in for her shots, I followed the charts on exactly when to get them...when she was 5 we had to take her to the shot mobile to get her started in school, the nurse was not nice, and she was in a rush, lol well she was a little rough and so Ash popped her right in the eye...it was pretty funny...the lady didn't think so but I did!

I have been feeling like I have been in a funk as well, can't seem to shack it...and I have been fighting some summer cold thingy...I so hope you are feeling better very soon...I think its the crazy heat or something...I hate it

Spider Girl said...

I hate it when your body is achey and feeling ill and you don't know why. I hope you feel better soon.