Ugh, I'm stressed, it's Saturday morning. Savannah has a recital, I have to fight and fight with her to fix her hair. That's part of the reason we cut it. She literally has screamed for 30 min cause I had to braid her hair. Kicking, screaming. Grrr!!
Anthony and I who never argue, got into a huge fight last night. He was supposed to go to the movies with his girlfriend, is grounded from the phone. I gave him 5 minutes to IM her and ask her what's up. 10 minutes goes by and the power goes out and he starts freaking out saying that she is going to be mad at him and he has to hurry and apologize to her cause she will be mad at him. So the power comes back on, I give him a few more minutes and tell him times up. I gave him 20 minutes and in that time they didn't discuss the movie. Not my fault. So we get in a huge fight and I tell him that he shouldn't worry that much about her being mad at him. I mean good grief, he can't help some of this stuff. Anyways, it got ugly. I was in a very bad mood.
Kyle and I are tiffing back and forth. Not the magnitude that it was, but still back and forth bickering. Alot of it is me. I'm extremely angry still at the things that were said to me.
Savannah and I are sharing a twin bed. She kicks and kicks me. I went to bed last night before 10, that's a new record.
Dizziness is still coming and going. We all have head colds from the drastic weather change.
Oh a cute thing. Last night, Savannah and I were crawling into bed and she was only wearing underwear. I said "Savannah, you need to get on a shirt, if you wear no shirt to sleep, you will wake up with a chest cold" she thought for a minute, dug in her drawers, got a shirt out, put it on. She then reopened her drawers and said "I guess I better put some pants on, so I don't get a leg cold too"
Ha ha!! So flipping cute.
I'll share pics of her recital when we return home.
Happy Saturday. Be safe on the slick roads!