Saturday, February 11, 2006

Cracker Barrel


Ahhhhhhhh my favorite place in the world. Kyle, Anthony, Juan are all at the Cracker Barrel, Me n Savannah are home :o(

She woke up in the middle of the night last night and vomited. Poor sweetie, even went and got towels and tried to clean it up before she came and woke us up. What a sweetheart. So she is still sleeping and to mom, she only threw up the one time.
Thats the way Juan did, threw up for an hour, then other than feeling weak, it was over. Then Friday the other surprise showed up. I didn't make Juan go to school because his panic attacks at his other school showed up when I made him go to school 2 days after a stomach virus and I didn't know if he was really still sick or if he just didn't want to go. He was really still sick and had bad dizzy spells and then associated those dizzy spells with school and that God awful period where he wouldn't go to school was invented.

Yesterday a few people asked me, is he really sick or is it the anxiety going on? I was like, I feel he is really sick, not the anxiety and with Savannah getting sick proves he was really sick. He said he likes school. So anywhoo at 10 we gotta meet papaw Jerry at Lowes. Lowes is the best store on this earth. It has replaced Target for me. Lowes ROCKS :o) I could spend hours in that store!

Happy Saturday to all and to all a good day LOL

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