Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Wednesday EVENING Post

Ha ha!! Snuck one in on yous guys. Evening is going okay..... I'll spare you the details, but you guys remember my check list from a few weeks ago. Check checks on the SSDDs. OYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Johnny, I keep forgetting to call you, I need to finish talking to you about what we talked about Sunday at moms. Soooooo call me when you have a good 20 minutes to discuss that stuffs. Speed is of the essence LOL!!
Okay a bonus post tonight, you lucky heifers. Some pics for your viewing pleasure. And Curl, On the days you don't have the baby I'm gonna come pick you up and take you cave hillin, if I get dizzy just keep the geese off me! HA HA!!
Happy Wednesday Evening......Trash is GONE GONE GONE
Whoa whoa whoa......
Your faithful blogger

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