Monday, March 10, 2008

An update to my BLAH post

Well, I went to dentist and since I got there early it's 100% patchable. No root canals, none of that stuffs. That made me happy. I'm still down. Sorry for my depressiveness. Just everything coming at me at once and I can't deal well. I will get over it soon enough. Just need some time and a break from bad things. The dentist was a start. Very nice. Had me a pillow ready when I got back there because of my dizziness :) Very compassionate for a sad girl LOL.


Dr. Deb said...

Im the same way. I do better when things bad stuff comes in dribs and drabs.

Lois M. G. said...

Girl - I so HATE that you feel like this. You are the most compassionate person I have ever met and I have NO clue why bad stuff happens. I am so happy your dentist visit did make you feel a little better. Believe me I am having my days too right now but I can not even type them out - they would be so whining I feel but I want HAPPINESS and a GOOD LIFE for you with NO NO NO money problems. I wish I could make your bad days disappear but I can promise I will listen anytime =) HUGS