Saturday, January 05, 2008


I'm weird about certain things. In the kitchen, I hate to even walk in there if its' a mess. I think it's part of my ADHD with stuff being out of place. I think everything has a home and if it's not there....I flip out. Those of you who do fly lady know about hot spots. I have several. Hot spots are the same spots in your home wehre you deposit your junk. Mail, keys, phones. By my back door is one.... I can't stand it. The fridge is one, on top. I can't take it. I hate stuff on top of the fridge. Here are some pics of my kitchen weirdness. Things put in their home and nice and tidy. Clear counters. :) It clears my mind and I sleep better knowing everything is clear. I'm weird. Very, very weird.
Below, I always like labels facing to where you can see them.
Nice and clear........Ahhhhhhhhhh!! :) Looking at the kool aid there drives me a little crazy. Both because I hate koolaid and it's just sitting there out of place in the old kitchen. Kitchen is still outdated quite a bit.


SassyFemme said...

Oh we'd drive you crazy, labels facing every which way, and things on the counters!

Cindy Price said...

I wish you would come organize my kitchen!!