Monday, July 31, 2006

An update to the story below

I called the Humane society and animal control, they both directed me to the police. I called the police and talked to a really, really nice officer. He told me, the boy is allowed to fire any air rifle he chooses. Can shoot the birds, squirrels etc as he chooses. Even in my yard. As long as he isn't aiming at people. So that's nice to know. I moved St. Francis. Instead of putting windows on the front and back of the house, we decided to do the front and put up a privacy fence and fence in the rest of the area around the sunroom and have my birds a safe haven away from Psycho boy.
It's a shame that anyone can just feel free to shoot birds at random.
I love the birds and my critters :( all of them dwindling.


The Curl said...

Man, psycho's have more rights than most. Thats too bad.
Good idea on moving the St. Francis and privacy fence.



Lois Lane said...

The cop you talked to is full of shit. It is illegal to shoot into someone else's yard. Call back and talk to a Sgt., mention having kids playing in your yard and how at risk they are due to this boy and his shooting practice.
Good luck.
Lois Lane

Gloria said...

One whacked out kid for sure. I'm still not so sure that the dad didn't do it. I just can't see a kid being that good a shot. Psycho about the dead animals on the fence tho. Jeez. . .You remember our next door neighbor Chris who didn't like it because I threw bread out for the birds, and he came over with his little Kroger bag and picked it up out of our backyard. He said the birds pooped all over his car and he asked me to quit feeding them. I'm glad you moved St. Francis. I am so worried that they have guns over there. Ticks me off for real.

Dr. Deb said...

I think the next time you hear shots, I would call the police and report you hear gunshots. And leave it at that. Maybe they'll send a squad car to talk to this psycho boy. It doesn't seem legal. So I would also get another opinion too!