Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Happy Wednesday

I'm bored. I have dinner in the crock pot, have done 5 loads of laundry and put away probably 9 loads of laundry. Swept and mopped living room, prewashed dishes for the dishwasher, fed and watered dogs. There is nothing else to do. I don't feel like Toontowning or pirates.
I do not watch T.V.
I honestly don't know what to do.
Kids are at school.
Hmmmmmm, Maybe I should go mess up the kitchen and then reclean it. There's an idea. NOT! I guess I will take a nap.
Happy wednesday.
It's trash day.

***Ugh I wrote that this morning and Owoooooo, I got glutened :( I started feeling it around 12 and thought maybe it was my imagination. Then the rash came and ugh the stomach pain. :( It hurts so bad, you wouldn't believe it. Feels like someone dropped a heavy brick in my stomach. I hate it :( I laid down and cried for awhile it hurt so bad. Stupid gluten :( Nothing at all to take for it either. Just have to wait it out. Opie was outside and hurt his front paw :(
Someone please take my cloud. Please.
I gotta lay down, I don't feel well. :(

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