Monday, May 22, 2006

How I feel

This pic sums it all up!!!!!!!!!!! For years and years, I have been hot. HOT, HOT, HOT.... I hated heat. I would flip out and have anxiety attacks when hot. I don't have a clue what happened. I used to turn on my air in February and March. Now, NOPE,I am frozen all the time. I don't know what happened to make me freezing all the time. Last night, Me , Kyle and Savannah were laying in bed, he was hot and sweating and I was frozen.
I went into the grocery store the other day and it was so cold in there it made my lungs hurt and I wanted nothing more than to get out of there.
Being cold is AWFUL. What the hell was I thinking all those years and why all the sudden, do I not like cold anymore?
You would think I had thyroid problems, but I do not.
I dunno whats going on, but it's so cold in my house and warm outside and I have a space heater on at the end of May.
Crazy stuff
Happy Monday :o)
My Hubby's home :c)


for_the_lonely said...

I get cold easily, but for some reason, the heat makes me very anxious too...I'd rather take the heat over the cold and snow anyday, though! LOL

Love ya,

PS Glad your hubby's home! :)

Carie said...

lol I have always run cold, wearing my hoodie during sumer lol...but lately I have been hot lol, it makes me swell up blah...I prefer the cold lol just cause its easier for me to get warm than it is to cool off lol ;)

glad the hubby is home, I hate when Ken goes out of town, I worry about him and I get all nervous about crap happening much nicer having him there to hog the bed ;)

Angel said...

YAY! Kyle is home! How was his trip? Just wait until a few days more, it is going to get hot in the upper 80's. Let's see ya sweat then. LOL I know I will be!


SassyFemme said...

I'm cold all the time. I usually have to even sleep with a sweater and socks!