Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Hi everyone!!

Haven't updated in a few days. Not much really to report. Just trying half days with Juan at school. It's really frustrating for me because his school isn' that close and by the time I get home, I have to turn around and go get him. I was really looking forward to going back to work, but now that's on hold AGAIN.
I go through bouts of anger, sadness or whatever. I got some of Juans cardiology reports back and they said with the Tachardia (spelling is awful) he may have Mitral Valve Prolapse, which causes his heart to feel funny, triggering the anxiety attacks. They are supposed to call me back. I'm exhausted. We all had some virus, each had it a day apart from each other, cept Kyle and Anthony because they are rarely in contact with the rest of us.
Kyle took them down to the river with his family on Saturday. I was thinking YAY I get to spend the day alone, but felt sick and weak the whole day. Carol I think mom mentioned you had the same thing. :( We must've all passed it at the hospital.
Sunday we went swimming at moms and had a cookout. I was still worn out.
Yesterday I did nothing the whole day. Just sat. Bored and tired.
Today, just got Savannah ready for school, then got to drive Juan to school. Come home with time to mop a floor, turn around and go pick him up then the rest get home. So as far as enjoying Savannah being in school, I don't see it happening anytime soon. That sounds so selfish when you read it, but I have dealt with this school issue for years and years and I'm tired.
I talked to Juans dad, he talked to his dad also.
He told Juan he would email him and call him. Juan emailed him Friday night and has checked his box over and over looking for a reply. I told him that the military was off til today. So I hope and I pray that he writes him back. His face lit up like I haven't seen in years. To see him that happy was awesome.
Other than that nothing going on.................
Happy Whatever day it is. Tuesday???

1 comment:

SassyFemme said...

Di, go Google "Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome." There might be something with some of the stuff there that's similar to what's going on with Juan. The key is adding in the "Syndrome" part, btw. We went through that with Fran years ago.