Monday, June 19, 2006

Dragging days

I don't know what is going on, but the days have been dragging on, ever so slowly. Last night i wanted to go to bed so badly, but it was like 7 oclock. Today, slow, slow, slow. Im tired and i Just want to go to sleep and its only 4 oclock.

The kids are hyped up today for some reason. My leg hurts badly still. I didn't even do anything to it.

I walked about a mile today trying to work the kink out but nope still hurts.

Nothing positive to write today LOL
So I am gonna be off! have a terrific Monday!


SassyFemme said...

Dianna, I was looking for your email address but don't see it on here. Can you drop me a note at Have something I need to ask you about one of your pics from a while ago. Thanks!

Cindy said...


I have days like that, seem to go on forever. Usually I just take a nap, wake up and go to bed.

Lately, I've been trying to clean up some clutter. My goal is to throw some stuff away, or get rid of it. Well, that's the plan, so much to do.....just don't feel like doing this and can't do that.